welcome to the...

circle of



The Most Powerful Community Of Purpose-Driven Leaders & Entreprneurs


Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get when you make the investment...

Weekly Live Coaching

Every week Setema goes live with training and coaching session designed for exactly what's going on in the marketplace, in the economy, and most importantly within the lives of committed, powerful leaders as we navigate together the challenges and thrills of living the calling in our hearts. Spend an hour live with Setema every week to get you fully trained and fully charged!

Weekly Accountability

During each weekly coaching call, we put you in accountability groups to expand your success network with real conversations, candid feedback, insight form a perspective you can't see from where you're standing, and the incredible energy of highly-committed successful people pouring in to you, your business, and your life.

2 Circle of Champions Mastermind Events

Come spend 3 full days with "your tribe" of like-minded, high-energy, success friends and family. Experience a reset and recalibration of all the tools, frameworks, systems, and protocols you've obtained during our weekly coaching sessions. There's nothing like spending dedicated time with powerful people to launch you to the next level.

We meet together twice per year in a new amazing, fun, and abundant location. We teach, train, workshop, network, and mastermind on business, health, happiness, and wealth. Come feel the energy you know you were meant for.

1:on:1 Photo with Setema


You will have the special opportunity to meet Setema personally upon attending your first Circle of Champions Mastermind event. A professional photographer will be on hand to capture this amazing moment. Your will be provided with the professionally edited photo shortly after the event for you to use in promotions and on social.


($4,000 VALUE)

GAMECHANGER is the single most transformative personal development conference available anywhere. 4 Days spent in deep dive training, sharing, workshopping, and reprogramming your mind for maximum abundance, energy, confidence, and drive. As a member of Circle of Champions you get 2 FREE tickets. One for you and the other for your chosen guest.

12 Month Access to "The Vault"

($9,995 VALUE)

Enroll in Circle of Champions today and you'll get immediate and life-time access to my exclusive video training library affectionally referred to as "The Vault." Over 400 hours of training from my highest end masterminds and live events. 


Bonus #1: Build Your Inner Champion Virtual Course
This is my premier training course for reigniting the "WINNING FIRE" inside your heart. Life goes in cycles. When you hit a down cycle, you need to get back on top quickly and powerfully. This training course gives you rocket fuel to get back to the top.

($497 VALUE)

Bonus #2: Business Breakthrough Coaching Library
25 distinct hour long training recordings from past Circle of Champions training calls. All dedicated to one thing - you launching, growing, and scaling the business of your dreams. More money. More power. More impact. More legacy.

($1,995 VALUE)

 BONUS #3: Signed Copy of "Winning Is The Game" 
As a member of Circle of Champions you will receive a pre-press copy of Setema's new book "Winning Is The Game" as soon as it comes back from the publisher. And it will be personally hand-signed by Setema with a special message just for you.



$2,500 of Bonuses When You Join today!




There was a time when everything you see here was nothing but a dream...
The stages, the HQ, the events, the books, the thousands of lives changed... none of it existed anywhere except in my heart. It was more than a dream though. 


What are you called to do? What did God give you your special gifts, talents, and experiences for? Certainly not to keep them bottled up inside as you play small and avoid taking risks. 

No my friend, God planted the seed of that calling deep in your heart so that it could never be squashed or ignored. You MUST ANSWER THE CALL. I created Circle of Champions to give you every tool, framework, model, and most importantly the most elite community you need to go out there and...


 “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.”

- Jim Rohn
As a Purpose-Driven Leader, you are hard-wired to serve, to love, and to give. But this hardwired nature also leads you to make continual investments in others - and not make the necessary and powerful investments in yourself that will give you the greatest increase in production and results.
Everything You Want Is On The Other Side Of A Powerful Investment In YOU!
As a member of Circle of Champions, you'll make the most important investment you could ever make - a firm commitment to up-leveling the quality and power of the people around you. Nobody can see everything from where they stand. Others can see what you can't see. Others can see your power when you're in doubt. Others can see where you're holding back, when you need to be stepping up and showing out. 

When you surround yourself with POWER, the RESULTS are exponential!

here's everything you're getting...

  • Weekly Live Coaching with Setema
  • Weekly Accountability with fellow Circle Members
  • ​2 Circle of Champions Mastermind Events held in amazing destination locations
  • ​1-On-1 Professional Photo with Setema at your first Circle of Champions Mastermind 
  • 2 Tickets To GAMECHANGER 5: the industries most powerful personal development event.
  • 12 Month Access to "The Vault" digital training library with over 400 hour of courses, frameworks, and more.

Energy Flow Holdings, LLC - All Rights Reserved @ 2017 - 2023